Saturday, 14 December 2019

Presidential Piano: Presidents Richard Nixon, Harry Truman playing the piano!

President Nixon was very musical and could play 5 instruments!
Here's Richard Nixon's Concerto. Nixon's own composition, set to concerto form with "15 Democratic violinists." This was aired on Jack Parr's Tonight Show.

Harry Truman loved Mozart's A Major Sonata and always had a piano on 'tap' by his Presidential desk in the Oval Office.

Harry Truman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Former President Harry Truman at piano, James Petrillo with Trumpet playing "We All go the same way Home".

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Guide - ARSM DIP ABRSM Diplomas masterclass resources and tutorials!

Finished your grade 8 piano and want to start learning the next level? If you're going the ABRSM (Associated Board, Royal Schools of Music Route) your options are to prepare for the ARSM - Associate Royal Schools of Music or the Dip ABRSM - Diploma.

Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler, 1820
Ludwig Van Beethoven Portrait

The Moonlight Sonata, is likely a popular choice.

So first of all - get a headstart.

Step 1: Listen to Daniel Barenboim's 5 minute introduction the sonata. The Sonata was not named thus by Beethoven himself, but more by those who felt the sonata is evocative of moonlight, dreamy, Barenboim adds. It's very interesting to note that Barenboim says the first movement theme is based on Mozart's Don Giovanni's opera where one  Don Giovanna stabs the Commandatore (military officer) to death. Barenboim also notes the "steady and martial rhythm" of the first movement motif has a funeral march quality. The second movement - scherzo and minute like (3/4 time). The last movement tempestuous.

Step 2:Listen to some great recordings and interpreters. So who are Beethoven's greatest interpreters?

Look (or listen) no further and let's go with Afred Brendel! Here's a one hour loop of the mighty Moonlight Sonata. So this is pure audio so close your eyes and listen, really listen. Then,
jot down your thoughts of images, emotions with each movement.

I would recommending downloading the free sheet music and listening to the music whilst following the score.

Here's Barenboim's performance of the Moonlight Sonata accompanied by Sheet Music.

Now get some free lessons from the masters, there are numerous masterclasses around to help you on your journey.

Andras Schiff - listen to the audio masterclass of the sonata.

 Josh Wright's Piano tips for the 3rd Movement

 Bach Scholar's tip's on the 3rd Movement Beethoven 

Virtual Sheet Music lesson on the 3rd Movement.