Monday, 11 January 2021

New flagship digital pianos 2020-2021 Kawai Es920 and Roland FP-90X

Kawai ES920 vs Roland FP-90X Digital Piano Comparison - Feature Rich Flagship Digitals 26 June 2021 video by Merriam Pianos
Roland FP-90X In-Depth Review and demo - 25 June 2021 Merriam Pianos Roland FP-90X This flagship model has the PHA 50 keyboard action, usually reserved for the high end LX digital pianos. FP-90X Demo and review For full specifications see the Roland website.
Next is Kawai ES920 Digital Piano Kawai ES920 in-depth interview - 40 minutes! Kawai ES920 - Merriam Pianos - Review Kawai ES920 - Alamo Music review Kawai ES920 demo by Merriam Pianos - with line out demos Kawai ES920 vs Yamaha p515 For an overview of the Roland FP-30x FP-60x and FP-90x see this video below.