Sunday, 7 February 2021

ABRSM Grade 1 and 2 C Major Contrary Motion Scales Tutorials

This blog will highlight two tutorial videos to help you from scratch become competent in the Grade 1&2 C Major Contrary Motion Scales. The main difference is that at Grade 1 - it is one octave, whilst at grade 2, it'll be two octaves. Grade 1 Tutorial on C Major Contrary Motion Scale Grade 2 Tutorial on C Major Contrary Motion Scale

Friday, 5 February 2021

Legend actor and pianist Christopher Plummer 1929-2021

Christopher Plummer, who played Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, was overdubbed in his singing rendition of Edewlweiss in the film.
Picture above of Plummer, playing piano at the Bristol Hotel, in Salzburg after shooting the Sound of Music Plummer was a talented pianist and was studying to be a concert pianist before turning to acting in his youth. Here's Plummer playing the piano (Rachmaninov) in between shooting the film Elsa and Fred in 2014. He's also playing some Mendelssohn here 1 minute in.

Wellerman - Sea Shanty Piano Tutorial for complete beginners

Hi folks, in case you've noticed, there's a Sea Shanty craze going on that started on TikTok. Check out the following mashup which has had over 3 million views! Ok so if you want to learn how to play please follow this tutorial, it's designed for complete beginning pianists.