Monday, 16 January 2012

Sir Anthony Hopkins: Actor, Composer, and Pianist

Srce (Classic FM)
The first link I had of Sir Anthony Hopkins and piano music was when I was watching his character Hannibal Lechter in the film Silence of the Lambs listening to Bach's Goldberg Variations, whilst later performing a gruesome act of violence. Little did I know until recently that the actor himself, is an accomplished composer, and pianist enthusiast. In, fact his love of music came before he discovered acting, at the age of 6, when he started piano lessons in Margam, Wales. According to ClassicFM, his mother had high hopes that little Anthony would be a famous pianist.

To this day, in his spare time, Hopkins enjoys reading, painting and continues playing piano (every day, in fact, if at home). His piano of choice is his very own Viennese Bosdendorfer (brand owned by Yamaha) grand piano. And the repertoire of choice? Hopkins enjoys playing works by  Bach, Scriabin and Chopin, "... not to impress anyone but to keep the co-ordination of my hands and my brain as I get older,'' he told the New south Wales newspaper.

 Hopkins, wanted to be a musician but didn't have the qualifications so he became an actor, instead, according to his interview with the Independent newspaper. In January, 2013,  74 year old Sir Anthony releases his compositions of orchestral works through the UK's Classic FM (world's biggest classical radio station) record label. So it's time for you to listen to some of Sir Anthony Hopkin's compositions, recorded by the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, which include 2 of his Film compositions for the films August and Slipstream. His composition was featured on a Classical Brits Award winning album in 2012. Well done Sir Anthony!

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